iPad program

iPads for non-verbal students

For the fifth year running, State Schools’ Relief, in partnership with Bank First and ASCA, was thrilled to supply iPads for non-verbal Victorian students in Term 1, 2024 – allowing vital communication with families, teachers, carers and friends through the use of a learning device and language app.

This year we surpassed the 452 iPads that were provided in 2023 and were able to supply a huge 519 iPads & heavy duty covers to specialist school students in 57 schools across metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria.

For the families & carers who can afford them, iPads have enabled engagement with learning and meaningful communication for many young people; however, at a cost of more than $500 each, many are not in a position to be able to provide this essential tool for their child.

Philanthropic funding for this program is vital and we plan to run this transformational program again in Term 1, 2025! Stay tuned for more information…

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