iPad program

iPads for non-verbal students

For the fourth year running, State Schools’ Relief, in partnership with Bank First and ASCA, was thrilled to supply iPads for non-verbal Victorian students in Term 1, 2023 – allowing vital communication with families, teachers, carers and friends through the use of a learning device and language app.


This year we surpassed the 426 iPads that were provided in 2022 and were able to supply a huge 452 iPads & covers, plus 114 iTunes vouchers, to specialist school students in 58 schools across metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria.

For the families & carers who can afford them, iPads have enabled engagement with learning and meaningful communication for many young people; however, at a cost of more than $500 each, many parents and carers are not in a position to be able to provide this essential tool for their child.

Philanthropic funding for this program is vital and we hope to run it again in mid-term 1, 2024!  Stay tuned for more information…

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