State Schools’ Relief is a not-for-profit organisation that improves the lives of tens of thousands of disadvantaged Victorian students, and their families, each year.
Our simple and practical service ensures that all students can attend school in warmth and comfort with a greater sense of belonging and improved self-esteem, which in turn enhances their educational engagement.
Issues such as poverty, neglect, family illness, abuse and homelessness continue to affect many Victorian families. SSR provides government school students with new uniforms, footwear and educational resources, including learning devices. We work side by side with all Victorian primary, secondary, specialist and language schools to ensure that any students facing hardship have the necessary items they require for school.
Our Mission.
To enable access to high quality educational support for Government school students in need.
Our Vision.
State Schools' Relief to be recognised as a national exemplar of charitable providers of educational support for disadvantaged students and families by 2028.
Our Values.
Supporting equal life chance and access to opportunity for all young people.
Making sure that every young person is able to participate with the same pride and dignity as their peers.
Fostering a sense of participation, inclusion and belonging to the school community.