Glasses for Kids program

State Schools’ Relief is proud to be delivering the Glasses for Kids program, from 2024 – 2027.

The Glasses for Kids program aims to remove vision impairment as a potential barrier to educational engagement by ensuring that children from disadvantaged backgrounds are supported to fully participate in education from their early years.

The 2020 - 2023 program concluded in August and was a great success with 40,000 targeted students from 340 mainstream and specialist schools visited by qualified optometrists.

17,489 vision screenings were performed, and 7,371 comprehensive eye tests were conducted for students in Prep to Year 3 and ungraded equivalent age groups.

Prior to the program beginning in 2020, it was anticipated that 2,100 students would require glasses, however, the program exceeded the prediction by providing 3,881 pairs of glasses to students in the most disadvantaged areas of Victoria.

“I wish to compliment the team who attended the screening at our school as they were very kind and patient with the children and staff alike and an asset to the program”.


“The Glasses for Kids Program was an amazing program. The staff are professional, kind and where able to make the children feel comfortable with the test.”

State Schools’ Relief is proud to announce that the state government has partnered with SSR once again to deliver the Glasses for Kids program between 2024 and 2027.

The Victorian state government’s announcement in early May 2024, of an additional $6.8 million in funding, will enable the expansion of our Glasses for Kids program, effectively tripling the size of the program. This means we'll will reach a further 74,000 Prep to Grade 3 students at 473 government schools across the state.

This expanded iteration of the GFK program aims to visit 770 mainstream and specialist schools and target 108,000 prep to grade 3 students for initial vision screening. If required, comprehensive eye testing and glasses will be provided to participating students at no cost.

We're anticipating that between 2024 and 2027, that over 64,800 students will participate in the program and over 16,200 pairs of glasses will be provided.

“Four students were referred and importantly one student was found to have a condition that could have resulted in permanent partial/full loss of vision in one eye if he had not been screened. He is now receiving treatment that will hopefully rectify the problem.”


“Our student is reading aloud more confidently and fluently than ever before with a heightened sense of self-efficacy which has impacted all learning areas”.


How can my school get involved?

770 schools with the highest Student Family Occupation and Education (SFOE) Index will be invited by the Department of Education to participate in the program. Should a school decline this invitation, the school with next highest SFOE Index will be invited to participate.

Schools will be advised of their scheduling two terms in advance of the proposed visit.

Schools will be required to distribute and collate the Consent Form and Optometrist Questionnaire to parents and/or guardians for their children’s participation in the program.

To find out if your school in on the list, please contact us via

“Thank you for a great two days, it was a pleasure having you and the team with us. Our kids really enjoyed the experience and I have had the senior kids asking why they missed out. Thank you for being so welcoming to our student leaders while they were assisting. We look forward to hopefully working together again soon”

How can I get involved as an optometrist?

State Schools’ Relief invites optometrists who are accredited by the Optometry Board of Australia to submit a Tender for participation in the 2024 - 2027 Glasses for Kids program.

To find out more, please contact Lisa MacKinven, Program Manager on 0457 364 450 or via

“We knew that there was a need – not only in our younger students but also older students. They would benefit from this program. Teachers would approach us and ask if older students could participate in the program, and we would have to turn them down”.


“Thank you to the State Schools Relief Glasses for Kids program! The benefits our small, rural and remote students, who received glasses, cannot be under stated. They have been given a great opportunity and to a child have shown benefits and growth!”

“When students receive glasses, it has a significant impact on their ability to focus in the classroom, greater ability to learn literacy and numeracy skills, and have a better sense of self-worth”.


“The program itself is invaluable in allowing access to support that may not be known or accessible by many families. Such a great program for our students from low-economic families. Financial relief as well as education around the need to have your child’s eyes checked was very appreciated by our parents.”

Still have questions?

Please view the information videos below or contact us via 8769 8400 or should you have any questions about this transformational program.

“In our school where families are highly disadvantaged and this disadvantage is increasing, Glasses for Kids removed a barrier to students getting the healthcare outcomes they deserve.”


“This program has been fantastic for our school as we are remote/rural, and the students have no access to an eye test locally.”

Information video for Kids

Information video for Parents/Families

Channel 9 2023 - Glasses for Kids Program

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